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Posts tagged ‘trans’

The Tricky Part 2

October 31st, 2011

Jay Frosting

Ashley’s work runs into some last-minute delays around finalizing her announcement and transition dates. Ashley also talks about her mundane experiences using the ladies’ room at shops and businesses outside of work and is taken aback when her company’s lawyers decide that transgender employees should only use the bathrooms that line up with their legal documents. The idea of being locked out of the ladies’ room pummels Ashley with nausea, and after pleading her case, some of the powers that be offer hints they may be willing to turn a blind eye.

Jay learns how orange sticks can be used to clean up nail polish that may have ended up outside the lines and a trick with Vaseline that one can use to help keep polish from falling outside the lines in the first place.

The Tricky Part

October 24th, 2011

Jay Frosting

Jay asks Ashley about laser hair removal (or at least reduction) on her face and checks in on how things are progressing on Ashley’s decision to grow her hair out.

Ashley also explains her frustration after transition delays at work, how she’s trying to keep her employer on track, and the tricky issue of the ladies’ room at the office.

Jay also learns all about UV-cured gel nail polish.

Coming Out to My Boss

October 18th, 2011

Jay Frosting

Ashley explains how she prepared to come out to her boss, with some help from the Human Rights Campaign, and her conversation with the boss to start the process around her transition at work.

Ashley also ponders an upcoming visit from her parents and mulls over ideas on how she might ask them to call her Ashley.

Finally, Jay and Ashley talk about makeup removal and cleaning makeup brushes.


October 5th, 2011

Jay Frosting

Ashley talks with Jay about how she keeps her boobs under wraps at work and why she hasn’t come out to her boss just yet.

Ashley also educates Jay about some potential surgical options including facial feminization surgery (FFS) and sexual reassignment surgery (SRS). And she offers some tips on spacing one’s polish coats to prevent chipping.

Therapy & Hormones

September 26th, 2011

Jay Frosting

After coming out to herself, Ashley set about finding a gender counselor to help her wrap her head around things. After several months of counseling, she felt the time was right to start hormone replacement therapy as a first step toward aligning her physical self with her gender identity.

Jay also talks with Ashley about the frustrations she feels with her voice and Jay offers some ideas on girly glasses.

Coming Out: Friends & Coworkers

September 12th, 2011

Jay Frosting

After coming out to herself, Ashley worked on coming out to her friends and her coworkers.

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Coming Out to Myself

September 3rd, 2011

Jay Frosting

After twenty years of frustration, Ashley is embarking on the first steps of her transition. This first episode of Miss Gender is the story of how she came out to herself as transgender.

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