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Coming Out: Friends & Coworkers

September 12th, 2011

Jay Frosting

After coming out to herself, Ashley worked on coming out to her friends and her coworkers.

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  1. September 13, 2011

    Yay! Great episode!

    You’re so much more relaxed in this one, Ashley! It really helps get into the swing of things.

    The edit at the beginning is great. Now my only technical comment is “Sit down, Jay. Stay a while.” :D

    Re: losing the details of even great, personal conversations, I was telling Joe that you guys* were doing video podcasts now talking about the transition. He said “Cool. Does she like men or women?” and I honestly couldn’t remember. Probably it’s because I don’t think it really matters in how I relate to you as your friend (you aren’t nearby enough for us to be playing yenta) but it was surprising to me to realize that I’d totally lost that detail.

    *In its gender-neutral sense, naturally.

    • Jay Frosting #
      September 13, 2011

      Thanks for your nice words and helping to promote the show, Dinah.

      The more natural camera angle will be back in the next episode.

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