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Posts tagged ‘misgender’

Coming Out to My Boss

October 18th, 2011

Jay Frosting

Ashley explains how she prepared to come out to her boss, with some help from the Human Rights Campaign, and her conversation with the boss to start the process around her transition at work.

Ashley also ponders an upcoming visit from her parents and mulls over ideas on how she might ask them to call her Ashley.

Finally, Jay and Ashley talk about makeup removal and cleaning makeup brushes.


October 5th, 2011

Jay Frosting

Ashley talks with Jay about how she keeps her boobs under wraps at work and why she hasn’t come out to her boss just yet.

Ashley also educates Jay about some potential surgical options including facial feminization surgery (FFS) and sexual reassignment surgery (SRS). And she offers some tips on spacing one’s polish coats to prevent chipping.