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We can continue this conversation when you’re ready to call me Ashley

June 26th, 2013


I just got off the phone with my dad.

ME: “Hi, this is Ashley.”

DAD: “Hi, Snooks. How are you?”

ME: “Hi, Dad. I’d like you to call me by my name.”

DAD: “We’ve discussed this. We’ve agreed not to call you [birthname] and to call you Snooks instead.”


“And we don’t like the name Ashley. So we’ll be calling you Snooks.”

ME: “Well, we can continue our conversation when you’re ready to call me by my name.”

[I counted a one one-thousand in my head—just in case my dad had second thoughts.]

“Goodbye, Dad.”

And then I put down the phone.


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  1. Sarah Hyland #
    June 29, 2013

    I’m sorry that your family is treating you like that. I think you handled that very well. Based off the info from your previous videos I think the time was right to be more forceful. It’s great to have an update from you. Any more videos on deck? How’s everything else? I’m a transwoman as well and lots of big milestones have been happening. :D Much love to you Ashley! Don’t worry I think they’ll come around eventually. Stand your ground sister!

    • June 30, 2013

      Thanks so much for your kind words, Sarah! It wasn’t an easy conversation to have with my folks, but I just feel as if I’m running out of options to try to convey how much this means to me.

      As it happens, we have another Miss Gender episode coming out in a couple of days—maybe even tomorrow with any luck!

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